How much will it cost us to have a Wine Please gift registry?
Nothing! Our service is free to set up and manage and you won't pay for delivery of your gifts in most metro locations. There are more details regarding delivery to other locations in our Ts & Cs.

What will our guests pay?
Your guests will pay wine store prices as displayed next to our products. A $12.95 service and delivery charge is added to each gift order for packing and shipping your gifts. Our registry price remains lower than many of the other major registries such as David Jones.

What if we would like to list a wine that is not in your range?
We are more than happy to source other wines that you would like. We are always keen to hear about wines that our customers love! Just drop us an email with the details of the wine and we will be in touch.

When should we set up our wedding registry?
You should set up your registry a couple of weeks before your invites are sent so that you can provide the details on your invitations. This is the most effective way of communicating your fabulous wine registry details and will result in the easiest experience for your guests. If you’ve already sent formal invites and would like to add a wine registry then just create your registry as soon as you can and spread the word via our share buttons. 

How many bottles of wine should we have on our registry?
There's a famous saying "You can never have too much good wine" which we may have made up ourselves... but it is definitely true. We recommend at least $100 worth of wine per person invited. There is no obligation for you to buy leftover items so go for it. Different wineries, styles and different price points are important to give your guests choice. The most popular wines are usually in the $80 - $150 price range. You will be astounded by the generosity of some people so make sure you put some expensive bottles on the list as well as some mid-range wines. 

What happens after the wedding?
The registry is closed by Wine Please approximately one week after your wedding. We've been doing this for a few years now and there are always belated gifts in that week. We then review the wines that may have changed vintages or availability over the past few months and send you a gift summary. This includes a list of the items purchased, the guests who purchased them for you and their personal messages. You can then review the list and confirm your final choices.

When will we receive our gifts?
Once the registry is closed and you’ve confirmed your gifts we will be in touch to arrange a delivery date. This will be approximately two to four weeks after your final choices are made, which will give you time to take your honeymoon and make some room for your new wine.